Friday, February 14, 2014

Mini Update and FAQ's...

So, we did get an update from China on the little girl that was referred to us. We were very pleased with the information that they gave us. We asked them for updated photos, a video if possible and we also had a list of questions about her special need, her development, etc. We had a very emotional "ah-ha" moment and we hope to have some super exciting official news to share with everyone in the very near future! 

 So in the meantime I thought we would address some of the frequently asked questions we have gotten when sharing this news with friends and family:
ASAP! Traditionally, the process takes 1-2 years.
We didn't go the traditional route.
We filled out a brief Family introduction sheet, a Medical Conditions Checklist indicating what kind of health conditions and a special needs we were open to and they had a file for us in 8 days.
Not a typo.
That's EIGHT DAYS!!!!
Soooo....if all goes well ;) we will have six months to complete our homestudy and assemble our dossier. After the dossier is sent to China it will be a few months for things to get logged in, approved and situated to start scheduling travel. We can be super fast and organized and maybe, hopefully bring her home by Christmas.
Say your prayers!
Why Special Needs? Why wouldn't you go for a healthy baby?
This is a no brainer.
Why get on a list for a child that is deemed healthy and wait years and years for a referral to bring our baby home when so many children are languishing in orphanages with very manageable health issues and their greatest special need is a family.
A child that needs a family.
A family that wants a child.
See? No brainer.
Plus, all of our boys would be special needs if they were to be categorized for adoption.
All three, and we happen to think they are awesome just the way they are!
 CHINA? Why not adopt from the USA?
This is a big one. We get this a lot.
The very smarty pants answer that I use when I don't feel like dealing with intrusive questions is:
 My daughter is in China so I have to go there. Sorry (shrugs). That's where she is. No choice.
In all reality this was not a big decision between us.
When we met, we both had adoption from China in our hearts. We discussed it the first week that we knew each other. It was, like, our second date. We didn't really discuss other countries much.
We already knew where we would find our little love.
Now, I just checked with my friend that rhymes with oogle and I got this:
It is estimated there are between 143 million and 210 million orphans worldwide
(recent UNICEF report.)
In my opinion, it doesn't matter what country they were born in.
There are too many children that need a family.
If you can subtract just one from the numbers it.
Any country. Just do it.
If you need information about how to start the process (here in the USA or elsewhere) just let me know, I have TONS of info!
 Isn't it really expensive?
Yes and no.
The fees are pretty well regulated and you know what you are getting into up front.
We have the adoption tax credit that is now a permanent deduction which will help offset some of the fees after we bring our sweetie home.
There are grants we can apply for and no/low interest adoption loans should we need to go that route.
It is, however, a sort of pay as you go process. Which makes it somewhat more manageable.
There is a little fee here another not so little fee there. lol
Then, of course there are the travel expenses.
We will do lots of fundraising to try to avoid getting into massive debt in the process.
We have lots of creative financing ideas!
 Will you tell her she is adopted?
Blank stare.
Don't you think it's unethical that they are charging you for her?
Huge misconception.
There are fees to be paid for:
  • A social worker's time to evaluate us, educate us and complete a homestudy
  • Our agency to keep us organized, translate our documents, submit our documents and act on our behalf to facilitate the adoption
  • Documentation, immigration, fingerprinting and background checks, visas, passports,travel, airfare, food, hotel, etc.
  • AND yes a very nominal child rearing fee is paid to the orphanage that has raised our daughter up until this point and trust me, you could not raise a child in the USA for a few years for this sum. It is one of the smaller fees in the whole process.  

There are more questions but these are the most common.
The links at the side of this blog will take you to some great websites that you can get a lot more info from if you are interested.

We are actively raising funds for this now as it seems it will go a lot quicker than we originally planned.
  • We are selling really delicious coffee from just love coffee roasters (link at the top right of the blog).
  • We have an amazon banner at the bottom of this page that gives us a small kickback if you use that banner as a portal to do your shopping. No extra cost to you.
  • We have a fundly account set up.
  • We are selling every single thing we can bear to part with on ebay.
  • We are having a massive garage sale in April.
  • We will be selling gorgeous handmade aprons from Scarlet Threads and handmade jewelry from Compelled Designs and...whooo! That's a lot for now!

Check back often for updates!
(and leave comments/questions we love them!)

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