Sunday, August 24, 2014

The name on her door...

Someone has a new bedroom.
I bet you could guess who.
 if you knew her name!

Watch 'til the end...

We have been anxious 
to make the perfect little space 
for the little girl
that has occupied our hearts 
for so long now.
We still have some
more work to do.

We need new closet doors, 
an area rug, 
closet organizers 
and lots of toys....

It's a great start though.

We quite literally woke up one day 
and said "lets do her bedroom."
(you can verify the spontaneity
 with my bed head 
and Pete's flashy AC*DC pajama pants!)

We are so happy that we did it.
We open the door and imagine 
our little girl enjoying the space 
that we created for her.

Yes. We cry.
All of the time.
 BIG FAT tears of joy and anticipation 


  1. Wow you guys really now how to start a morning off. As soon as the song started to play the tears started to roll down my face. You did such a beautiful job on this announcement!! As I watched it I could only think how much love came out, how I just want to hug her, kiss her and show her all the love she so much deserves. Love you guys. Love you Zoey Grandma Barbara Jean XOXOXOXOXOXOX

  2. Love the room and love her name! My little one's middle name is Jeanne. I think it's such a perfect middle name! :)
